So I've been studying Karate Shitō-ryū for some months now and it's been great, I feel stronger, faster, I get to lose some fat, not much weight really since muscle are heavier than fat and I've gained muscle. I can't express how much it has helped me to feel more motivated at my business, feeling better with myself mentally and physically, and all that with the plus of self defense. But lately I haven't been able to train because of a high work load and it sucks, it has gotten so bad that right now I'm starting gaing fat again, my back started to hurt again, I'm getting slower and a lot less motivated, I'm really creating a dependency on working out and excersice, I know it's healthy and all but I hate the idea that I need it to feel good at all, don't get me wrong I have plenty of other activities that I like to do but I haven't been able to do them because of the same thing, and all in all, karate is the one that the pleasure effect last longer and the one that has the most positive impact in my life.
So, long story short, I'm going to try to excel at karate, will not skip a single session and also I'm doing the program and hopefully get to do 100 pushups in a row, I did the test and made 23 so I'm starting in the hardest plan. I will record the final 100 pushup video and upload it!
In other news, we're moving to an apartment next week and a friend from the US is going to visit Chile, it will be his first time in Latin America, I'm sure we'll have a great time!
Also because we are moving now we decided to marry later, we don't know when, we'll setup a new day once we settle.
Comments !