Let's Start All Over Again, Shall We?

So, I finally bought a domain name with my personal name and I decided to start a blog again, as very few of you may know I had a blog for about 3 years (maybe more), lost all data there and started a new one using the wordpress.com service, which I hated!. Fast forward in time, twitter gave me a new way to express myself but sometimes 160 chars are just not enough, that's why I'm starting this little and humble blog again.

So what would you find around here?, well, mostly geeky stuff related to what I'm currently working on such as web development under symfony, mac os x application development and general unix tips, besides that, you may find an occasional post about myself, a good movie, a great craft beer or just how to deal with a lovely hyperactive 2 year old and survive!

Anyways if things start to get slow here and you want to catch up, take a look at my twitter account.


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